Saturday, July 30, 2011

Halo Innovations Sleepsack Swaddle Micro Fleece, Baby Blue, Preemie

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  • The 2-in-1 sleepsack swaddle allows you to swaddle from birth, but also allows you to move the swaddle feature down for arms out
  • Stay-fixed velcro loops secure swaddle to wearable blanket for optimal performance and peace of mind, swaddle feature can be removed once baby is done swaddling and the wearable blanket can be used alone
  • It's the only product that carries seals from leading sids organizations in both the United States and Canada, iparenting award winner and hot award winner, nappa gold award winner, 2008 innovation award for consumer safety from the home safety council
  • Reduces the risk of rebreathing (the inhalation of carbon dioxide), which has been associated as a possible cause of sudden infant death syndrome, sleeveless design allows for ventilation and reduces the risk of rebreathing into sleeve
  • Generous sack design allows room for kicking, but can’t be kicked off so baby stays warm all night; Inverted zipper makes diaper changes easy, won’t pinch baby’s skin and makes it harder for an older child to unzip

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